
Elite Escort Agency in Toronto, Ontario

At Top Drawer Ladies, our goal is to arrange a great experience between yourself and your companion(s) of choice. Whether it’s your first time, your first time with our agency, or you just want to improve your game, we’ve prepared some tips and info to help get the best from your experience. If after your review you still have a question, don’t hesitate to contact us at

In General:

What’s the quickest way to book using text?

We don’t consider a booking complete until we have the time, duration, and your name. We’ve seen text message conversations lost because a phone booking finalized before text booking was able to. Also consider at times the text line is very busy and many conversations are happening at once, even for the same companion at the same time. The best way to text is as follows:

Hi, this is (Your Name) and I’d like to book (Companion Name) at (Time) for (Duration).

If your requested companion is available, we can book her right away. Otherwise, we can immediately provide other options.

NOTE - Please don’t text when you’re driving.

I texted 10 minutes ago and I didn’t get a response, what should I do?

We do our utmost to get back to you as quickly as possible, however, we may have many clients texting us at the same time and we’re responding through each message as quickly as possible and yours may be next. If you text us again, you will be moved to the bottom of the list and will have to wait again. If you need to be responded to or booked urgently, it’s best to call our phone line at (647) 762-4524.

How do I get the best out of my Top Drawer Lady?

What appeals to our Top Drawer Ladies the most are polite, respectful, clean/well-groomed gentleman. If you begin your time with this approach, and allow her time to get to know you, you’ll find it is much easier to develop chemistry and experience your best fantasies together. Rude obnoxious attitude, offensive language, not respecting her physical limits are not allowed or tolerated. This type of behavior can get you blacklisted or in some cases reported to LE. In the end, remember the old saying, treat others as you wish to be treated.

Do I have to tip? Or bring a gift?

No, you don’t have to. The fee you pay is for your time together. Providing a tip or gift can be used to express appreciation, affection, or to help break the ice and is always appreciated by the companion. An unexpected gift has always been the best way to create a memorable experience.

I booked in advance, but something came up, can I cancel without penalty?

Yes you can. We understand things come up and will cancel your appointment as soon as you let us know. Please keep in mind that when we take your booking, we block that time on your companion’s day and all other requests for that time are turned away. If you cancel shortly before your appointment, it is difficult to fill that time and it is considered a loss to the companions as well as the agency. If we notice this becomes a regular trend with your bookings, you will be blacklisted.

I’d like to offer a drink for us to enjoy, is that ok?

While we do not allow companions to be intoxicated during their shift, we do understand for longer appointments that you may want to legally indulge and we ask that you do it responsibly. A companion should be given the choice to join you if you wish to indulge and if she agrees, please ensure that what you provide is opened in the presence of your companion and not before. Offering our companions heavy drugs is strictly prohibited.

For Incalls:

I’ve arrived at my appointment, how do I get in?

Once you’ve arrived, park your vehicle and contact the receptionist to inform them of your arrival. Once the companion is ready, they will give you a room number to proceed to. Stay in your car until you are given the room number to avoid loitering in the lobby. We ask that you maintain a discrete presence at the hotel. If you see your companion or another TDL companion in a common area of the hotel, please do not approach them. Contact the receptionist, inform them of what you saw and find out how best to proceed.

I’ve showered already, do I need to shower again when I arrive?

Yes. A companion is most attracted to someone who is fresh and clean. If you want to bring the best out of your companion for your appointment, a full shower using soap and using mouthwash upon arrival is the best way to do it. We do allow time in your appointment for this and your shower afterwards, and we do make sure the washroom is stocked with the proper supplies.

How and when should I provide my donation?

The best way to provide your donation is in an unsealed envelope. When you arrive, simply place it on a table surface in plain sight before you shower. Not thinking about an outstanding donation allows your companion to solely focus her thoughts on you.

For Outcalls:

How do I know if the companion I wish to book is ok with outcalls?

Everyone’s profile has an attribute that indicates their position on outcalls. It will indicate the following:

  • If they’re willing to perform outcalls or not
  • If they’re willing to see someone new, or if they are only willing to travel to someone they’ve seen before
  • If they may be available outside of their working hours and the minimum time they’re willing to book for if available Please review their profile attributes to find this information.

If the companion indicates she is only willing to do outcalls for repeat clientele, you must book her for an incall first beforehand which is normally a good way to establish chemistry. If you’re travelling in to Toronto and this is not possible, please let us know and we’ll inform her of your request and see if an exception can be made.

How do I best prepare myself for the outcall I’ve booked?

Just as you would expect her, for an incall booking, to prepare for your arrival, you should do the same for her. We suggest the following to best prepare for your companion’s arrival:

  • Clean/groom yourself as best you can. As said before, a great way to turn on your companion is being freshly showered with a fresh breath and well-groomed for the occasion
  • Tidy up your place, fresh linens if you can, clean/unclutter your washroom and have fresh towels available
  • Soft music, moderate lighting
  • Provide your donation in an unsealed envelope upon her arrival
  • Allow her a few minutes to freshen up shortly after her arrival
  • If you wish to offer a drink during your appointment, make sure you don’t open/unseal it until she’s present